A few days before Halloween we made the jack-o-lantern.
Of course, most of this process involved sharp instruments and thus very little for Rowan to do, except occasionally come over and push out an eye or something.
Afterward we washed the seeds, and then roasted them with olive oil. Mmmmm!
Spoooooookeeeee! (Well, sorta)
On Halloween night, Rowan's day-care buddy Henry came over to trick-or-treat with us. We had met Henry and his parents at a day-care open house, and they were the only ones we really felt we'd really click with. Ah, the life of parents. Anyways it turned out to be a great night!
Out the door and off to see the neighbors!
Rowan only made it to one house before he ran back home to get his Hot Wheels. Needless to say, he was the only kid trick-or-treating on a Hot Wheels.
His favorite part was running into Taylor, the cute neighbor girl that he has a little crush on.
Trick-or-treating seems to be a big deal in our new neighborhood. What fun!
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